
PDF To Word Converter

Use our online PDF to Word Converter to easily convert PDF files to Word documents. Submit your file and get it converted into editable Word with just a single click.

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Our PDF to Word Converter is a free tool designed to help you automatically convert PDF files to editable Word in seconds. It is powered with advanced OCR-Technology which ensures accurate file conversion, without losing actual quality.

How to Convert PDF to Word Document?

Our PDF to Docx Converter is easier to use for everyone, requiring a few simple steps:

  1. Click the “Browse” button and upload PDF files from device storage.

  2. Alternatively, you can directly Paste URLs or Drag & Drop PDFs.

  3. Hit the “Convert” button.

  4. Our free PDF to Doc converter will instantly extract the text and images and convert them into a Word document.

  5. Then, you can “Download” the converted Word file into your device.

Key Features of Our PDF to Word Converter

Below are the standout features of our free PDF to Word converter that make it among the best tools:

OCR Technology

Our online PDF to Docx converter uses advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR). This technology helps the tool to precisely recognize the text and images from your PDFs and convert them into perfectly formatted Word documents.

Super-Fast and Hassle-Free

No Signup, no registration! The super-fast working mechanism can convert PDFs to Word Docs in seconds, saving you time and effort.

Multiple Files Conversion

Our tool allows you to simultaneously convert multiple PDFs into Word documents with just a single click.

High-Quality Conversion

All the working process of the PDF to Word converter is focused on quality. It preserves the actual text format, font, image alignments, and layout of the PDF files.

URL Submit Option

Along with Drag & Drop and File Browsing options, our PDF to Docs converter offers a unique feature: Paste URL. Simply enter the link of the published PDF file in the designated area, and convert it directly into editable Word document.

100% Safe and Secure

Convert PDF to Word Confidently! Our PDF to Word Converter ensures that all of your data is encrypted and safe from any theft. Plus, none of your inputs, outputs, or personal details will be shared with any other parties.


This PDF to Docx converter is available in multiple languages, breaking language barriers for users. Our tool’s supported languages include Chinese, Indonesian, Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Swedish, Czech, Russian, Thai, and Korean.

Why Choose the PDF to Word Doc Converter?

Our online PDF to Word document converter comes up with several benefits that make it a worthwhile tool:

  • It has a simple UI (user interface) that doesn’t demand any experience or professional skills. Every type of user can use it seamlessly.
  • It is free and unlimited to use.
  • Our PDF to Word converter is integrated with multiple other tools: Image to Text, JPG to Word, Text to PDF, QR Code Scanner etc.
  • This online PDF to Docs converter works efficiently on different operating systems (Linux, Windows, & Mac).
  • Its conversions are always accurate, without any watermark.


1. What is the purpose of PDF to Word Docx Converter?

The purpose of the PDF to Word Docx converter is to turn PDF files into Word documents. It allows users to edit text, change formatting, and add or remove images, which is not possible with PDF files.

2. Where to convert PDF to Word for free?

You can use this free PDF to Word-converter. Just submit your PDF file into the tool using any of the upload options and hit the “Convert” button. Our tool will immediately complete the conversion and provide you with a downloadable Microsoft Word document.